Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Christian, a Muslim and Me

“There’s a sign for a multi-faith prayer room,” my wife said and off I went to see if it was a fitting place for shacharit.I found the room on the 2nd floor of the 3rd terminal, and walked in.  Sitting down were a Muslim and a Christian.

I smiled as a few funny ‘a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim’ jokes popped into my head.

For more, click here for my latest piece in the Times of Israel.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2013

This past Monday was Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel.

It is the first time since I made aliyah that I wasn't in Israel to commemorate the day.

It was a weird feeling not being here - and it felt wrong.

I'd like to share two links with you that made an impact on me the day after.

The first link is a beautiful article written by Yaacov Lozowick about Eshter Golan, who passed away this past Sunday morning at the age of 89.  It's a fitting testament to the phenomenal will of the Jewish people to survive and build.

The second link is a photo eassy titled, "20 Photos That Change the Holocaust Narrative."  I've never seen most of the photos, and it was truly worth the few minutes I spent looking at them over and over again.  Here are my 'favorites' ... and if you want to see the rest, you'll just have to click on the link.

Baking Matzot while in hiding (1943)


Shabbat in Buchenwald (1945):


Liberation (Circa 1945):


Our nation, our identity, our religion ... Chai.