Monday, July 09, 2007

Not to worry, I'm alive

There are a few very good reasons to explain my disappearing act over the last few weeks. The first and most obvious reason is obviously the wedding. No don't worry, it's still on but with a few corners to close over the last few weeks, Tals and I have been working overtime to get things done. From getting the wedding rings to the taste test at the wedding hall to talking to the band, we've managed to finish almost all the tasks at hand. With only a few more little wrinkles to iron out, we are approaching the end of the preparations. It's been hard to define exactly what my feelings are right now, but all I know is that it's been an awesome ride so far (even with the few technical difficulties every once in a while on the roller coaster!). Bring on the big day.

Along with the wedding chores, Tals and I were also apartment hunting throughout Jerusalem. The rather unfriendly real estate market (high demand & costs) made the search rather difficult, but Tals really managed to find some fantastic apartments and we eventually settled on one a few minutes away from her grandmother. The new place has a really nice lounge, a small closed balcony (which we've made into a computer room), two medium sized rooms and the other 'basic' rooms. I moved in two weeks ago and have been setting things up even though I'm sure once the lady moves in after the wedding, everything will be adjusted! :) Leaving the old apartment on Kibbutz Galuyout has been both sad and exciting. It has been home since December 2005, the first 'steady' home I've had in Israel since I was a kid living in Ra'anana. However, leaving it ushers in a new chapter in my life and I'm eagerly awaiting it.

Oh well – that’s about it for now. Until next time, over n’ out.

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